Our Leaders
Assisting Pastor
Rev. David Stout

Office Secretary
Laura Harney

Gary Langley (Head Elder)
Jim Larson (families A,B)
Kent Boyer (families C,D,E,F)
Mark Pratt (families G,H)
Tim Henderson (families I,J,K,L)
Larry Wolfe (families M,N,O)
Doug Caylor (families P,Q,R)
Brian Kottlowski (families S)
Andrew Simms (families T-Z)
Board of Directors
Chairman: David Copp
Vice-Chairman: Jeff Hoffman
Board Secretary: Kris Harney
Treasurer: Michele McClish
Board of Christian Education: Kathy Larson
Board of Evangelism: Vanessa Channell
Board of Fellowship: Paula McCord
Board of Human Care: LaVella Bills
Board of Properties: Rex Boyer
Board of Stewardship: Bruce Schulenberg
Board of Youth: Kimberly Pratt