
Each month Emanuel collects a special offering for some specific Christ-centered charity.
January: Lutheran Braille Workers
February: Lutheran Child and Family Services
March: James & Christel Neuendorf – Missionaries to Puerto Rico
April: Lutherans for Life
May: Belize Mission Society
June: Lutheran Ministries Media (Worship Anew)
July: Lutheran Hour Ministries
August: Orphan Grain Train
September: Bethesda Lutheran Homes
October: Lutheran Deaf Mission Society
November: LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces
December: Joint Seminary Fund
Lenten Envelopes: Rev. Charles Ferry – Missionary to Asia
Thanksgiving Day: LCMS World Relief
Advent Envelopes: POBLO Ministries

Please help support our missionary Rev. Charles Ferry serving our Lord in Asia and currently living in Taiwan with his wife Cheryl and their seven children.
Send your tax-deductible gift to:
The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Write on the memo line of the check: “Charles and Cheryl Ferry” or go to: